Friday, March 23, 2007

Hot Fuzz, Ghostbusters

Hot Fuzz:

I don't want to say too much about this movie, because I don't want to ruin any of the surprises or jokes, so let me say this, please, please, please go see this the day it comes out. Don't read any reviews till after you've seen it (I wish I hadn't. I had two plot twists revealed to me.)

I haven't seen an audience respond this way to a movie since Borat. The audience was belly laughing, and gasping (it's scary, scarier than Shaun of the Dead. Funnier too. Also more gory. This is some of the funniest gore I've seen in a long time.) I loved this movie.


Saw Ghostbusters on the big screen a couple of weeks ago. Some thoughts:

1. I didn't realize how much noise made a difference to the movie. Remember the joke when they are on the elevator and they talk about how they haven't tested backpack and that it is basically a nuclear device. When Dan Ackroyd switches it on, Harold Ramis and Bill Murry back away. In a theater with a loud sound system, the noise was kind of scary. It made the joke that much funnier. Several of the moments were generally creepy instead of cheesy because of the sound.

2. Another creepy scene was when the Environmental Protection Agency guy shuts off the ghost containment unit and then the ghosts start taking over the city. On television it always seemed cartoonish, but in the theater was effective. Mostly because of the eighties synth music. That music doesn't work and dates a picture faster than anything, except horror movies. Then the music is perfect for some reason.

3. The EPA is the bad guy. You don't see that very often in a movie.

4. The most dated thing in the movie, and it pains me to say this, and may make me not very popular, is Bill Murry. Now before I explain, let me say that he is one of my favorite comedians and I thnk Groundhogs Day and Rushmore will be watched for the next fifty years. Groundhogs Day even longer. I think he is genuinly funny.

But there is something about his smart assness in this movie that rubbed me the wrong way, and I think it rubbed the audience in the wrong way. Dan Ackroyd received more laughs than Bill Murry did. Something I wouldn't have thought possible when I watched the movie in my teenage years.

Bill Murry seemed too removed from the action, like nothing around him was effecting him. He reminded me a bit of Steve Guttenburg in the Police Academy movies. A lot more entertaining, because he's Bill Murry, and he's hilarious, but still, it seemed the work of a different era. (Compared to say Midnight Run, which was made around the same time, and yet could have been made last month.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you about Bill Murray. After seeing him in recent films like Lost in Translation, I have a hard time watching him in some of his early stuff like Stripes, or even SNL. He's kind of like Clint Eastwood for me. Always working on something new and, for the most part, always getting better.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

very excited to see Hot Fuzz. I also like newer Bill Murray better than older Bill Murray.

But older Chevy Chase is my favorite. Especially Fletch and Fletch Lives (and to a lesser extent Three Amigos)

1:10 AM  

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