Thank You For Smoking
This is another movie that didn't appeal to me when I saw the preview. I thought the preview was pretty funny, I liked the line about cigarettes in spaces, but it didn't seem to me to be a movie I was really interested in. Well, due to a lack of good movies in the theaters I decided this was the best option for me to see and I really had a good time. I think most people will get the wrong idea about this movie. Many will think it is pro-smoking propaganda, and many people will think that it will start out as pro-smoking propaganda but Aaron Eckhart will run into a moral conflict and change his ways. But, as far as I could tell, it is neither of these. The movie does have a standard story format of things are going good, then not so good and then good. But it is done very cleverly. The main character, Aaron Eckhart, is extremely empathetic just based on the fact that he is fighting a war in which the majority of the population is against him. And rightly so, he is defending Tabacco which everyone knows is bad for you, so, right from the begining, I have to respect the guy for taking on so difficult a task. He is the perfect underdog, but he has a great attitude about it and works really hard. Who doesn't like a story like that? The fact that he is defending something that is considered evil by most standards is what makes this movie interesting. Because now that I am empathizing with this guy I am actually able to listen to what he has to say with a more open mind. Which is the way I should always be. Unfortunately, I am not always like this and I let my preconceived notions about this or that prevent me from gaining a higher insight into things. In that way this movie reminds me of Atlas Shrugged. It was not a life changing experience like Atlas Shrugged but it did get me thinking. And it is not thinking about taking up smoking but rather the fact that I can take up smoking if I want to. Anyway, I am probably making more out of this movie than there is. And, the ending is a little heavy handed. Also, I prefer the character when he is amoral to when he begins thinking morally. If you just go to this movie for the comedy I think you will still have a good time. The dialogue is witty and I was thoroughly entertained. Unfortunately, a lot of the funniest lines can be seen in the preview so it kind of dampens the effect. None the less, it is still very funny. Next week you can anticipate a review of Silent Hill from me. So far it is getting horrendous reveiws but I am a sucker for video games made into movies. And it is very possible I will like it. Find out next week.
I'm excited to see this one. I actually tried to see it at a free screening at the Broadway in SLC but when I presented my RSVP email ticket to the at the ticket window she said to me..."This was last night." Woops.
So instead Benji and I paid full price and saw Winter Passing. We also ate at the consistently inconsistent Carl's Jr. I got the fish and chips. Woops again.
I loved, loved, loved this movie. I thought the scene between Sam Elliot and Aaron Eckhart was amazing.
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